ETHRA (East Tennessee Human Resource Agency)
727 W 3rd Avenue
Oneida, TN 37841
Quarterly commodities food distributions, home delivered meals to seniors, utility deposit assistance, current and past due utility bill assistance, cutoff assistance through the LIHEAP program, housing assistance, shelter referrals, rent deposit assistance, current or past due rent/mortgage assistance, first month rent assistance, senior abuse services, Medicaid/medicare assistance, dental assistance, vision needs assistance, prescription co-pay assistance, transportation, Job Access program to provide clients rides to and from work through the transportation department, household items for victims of fire or domestic violence referrals to Eumencial Warehouse in Oak Ridge for furniture, appliances etc.
HOPE (Housing Opportunities and People Enterprise)
2591 E. Monticello Pike
Huntsville, TN 37756
Subsidized affordable housing, housing assistance, shelter referrals, limited transportation assistance for those who qualify for our Homeless program, Homeless program which includes two homes for homeless families with children where someone in the household has a disability, rental assistance through partnership with Crossville Housing Authority and membership in the HART CoC in Crossville, TN for those who meet eligibility requirements.
Oneida Schools Family Resource Center
436 Church Street
Oneida, TN 37841
food bank, homeless support for children, shelter referrals, emergency placement assistance, cooperative parenting courses, active parenting classes, housing/food assistance, new parent classes, co-parenting education, child proofing, clothing assistance, youth CPR classes, dental referrals, vision assistance for children, health/hygiene items, cleaning supplies, diapers, paper products, furniture.
Sexual Assault Care at SAI
591 E Monticello Pike
Huntsville, TN 37756
(No service fees for sexual assault victims/survivors) Limited assistance with “emergency groceries” to procure safety for sexual assault victims, shelter referrals, mental health referrals, sexual assault support, emergency housing assistance---i.e. may assist with motel room or rent in victimization-related, short-term circumstances (to procure immediate safety, to participate in criminal proceedings, etc.), 24/7 crisis helpline, advocacy accompaniment at any victimization-related appointment (criminal justice, civil legal, medical, forensic, etc.), TN Criminal Injuries Compensation application assistance, Safe at Home application assistance, Contracted Sexual Assault Nure Examiner services (medical-forensic evidence collection exams for adult/adolescent victims). Referrals to counseling, other victim services, and community resources, coordinate and deliver outreach/education in the community, orders of protection, safety plans, medical-forensic evidence collection for sexual assault victims, transportation for sexual assault victims/survivors to victimization-related appointments.
115 Sheppard Road
Oneida, TN 37841
Narcan for prevention of overdose, drug & alcohol misuse treatment placement assistance, children counseling, telehealth, assist in starting and supporting SUD and addiction support groups, youth education on dating violence and bulling, provide parental support and education on youth substance use disorders, provide guest speaking to schools on human trafficking education, crisis phone number, medication disposal and medication lockboxes for the home, treatment options, support groups, drug testing, transportation to treatment when placed by STAND staff, youth budgeting education in schools, community awareness education, policy and procedure updates related to SUD, legislative advocacy around funding and laws related to SUD.